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Stuart Hardy

What do we mean by the Edge?

From edge computing to cutting-edge technology, the term "edge" has become synonymous with innovation and forward-thinking. It's a concept that embodies the idea of pushing boundaries and exploring the frontiers of what's possible, whether in technology, research, or business strategy.

At THE COLLECTIVE, our conversations with clients often centre around uncovering new avenues for value creation. We consistently find that the most promising opportunities lie at the boundaries of their established operating models.

Traditional businesses have long relied on a core operating model honed through years of experience and optimization. This model, often built around well-established processes, systems, and customer relationships, is the bedrock of their success. It’s where efficiency, consistency, and reliability converge to drive the business forward. It's where monolithic ERP and SCP (Supply Chain Planning) solutions can help. However, in today’s fast-paced, innovation-driven economy, value creation increasingly occurs at the edges of this core.

The edge represents the space where new ideas, technologies, and customer demands meet the established operations. Here, traditional businesses can experiment with new business models, explore emerging markets, and adopt innovative practices that don’t fit neatly within the existing core. By pushing the boundaries, companies can tap into new sources of value that complement their core strengths.

Yet, this approach requires a delicate balance. While the core provides stability, the edge is where growth and differentiation occur. Businesses must remain agile, willing to adapt, and open to integrating new ideas back into the core. Those who succeed in this balancing act can sustain their competitive advantage and ensure long-term success in an increasingly dynamic market.

While the core remains crucial, the true potential for value creation lies in embracing and optimizing the edge.

Steve Barker Co-Founder

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